G'Day reader!
For end-users, this blog contains my personal opinions based on well over a decade of witnessing various IT & Telecommunications engineering or customer-service disasters where either companies or customers shoot themselves in the foot for reasons of varying complexity. In expressing these opinions I will often make fun of people that watch Linus Tech-Tips or subscribe to the Apple eco-system, for example. This is just banter so don't stress.
For Support engineers and other customer support facing roles, this page exists to help you improve your skills, serve your customers better and drive your senior engineers slightly less crazy. While you're here, bask in my signature "is this guy joking or is he really this intolerable?" style of humour (I'm sure you're thinking of a far less polite way to describe it).
For my industry peers and colleagues this exists for your entertainment and to make fun of all the things I get wrong - because where would the fun be if we were right all the time right?
My name is Jacob Bisby, and I am a Service Provider Network Architect & Engineer* based in Australia.
*I also do a-lot of Systems Engineering and VoIP Engineering.